19 March 2007

A time to sow, ...

As the mornings and evenings gadually lighten, and March puffs and blows towards a windy conclusion, thoughts inevitably turn to planting seeds and growing vegetables, fresh for the plate and the pot. Why should I give Tesco my hard-earned salary, when I could be lifting my own potatoes, cutting my own cabbage, and picking my own courgettes. As well as a good all-round seed potato, I have a swede, a carrot, and both a golden and a white beetroot. Representing brassicas, I have savoy cabbage and romanesco broccoli. Legumes feature broad beans, runner beans and a pea. A pumpkin and a courgette are the solitary gourds. The crackerjack is okra, with its vicious spines. A few herbs and some mushrooms end the list. Although there are no tomatoes, onions, garlic or peppers, which means no arabiata sauce, I still believe that we might have to rotovate the front garden.
