06 May 2008

Seed potatoes planted - all in one day!

The potatoes I planted in spring 2007 were a success: 21 seed potatoes yielded about 20 kg, about a month's worth of cooking. However, the flavour of the potatoes was remarkable only in being without distinction. Further, some potatoes were attacked by insects and/or by slugs. Others suffered from scab and/or blight.

Monday 5 May 2008 was a bank holiday in the UK, and the weather was unusually fine. An early start saw a rectangle of turf, 2 m x 3m cut and lifted. In the afternoon I rotavated the new bed with a borrowed rotavator that bucked and kicked, but did the job remarkably well. At tea-time the bed was raked and composted. I planted the potatoes as darkness fell. To date, this year, 64 seed potatoes have been planted: 32 Charlottes, 16 Juliettes and 16 Sunrise.

The bad news is that there are half as many potatoes again yet to be planted. Moreover, there is a bag of onion sets to go in. Looks like another job for Mister Rotavator.