Jemima's first short movie for the BBC Video Nation project is online at:
The movie offers a peep-hole through which to glimpse a few aspects of Jemima's life, and shows something of how she creates her text that is uploaded here.
The film was edited by Andrew Jeffrey, a producer at the BBC in Newcastle. Andrew also offered guidance, gave encouragement, shot some of the film at Jemima's school, provided a stock photograph of Alan Shearer, obtained relevant permissions, and wrote the online text. He was a pleasure for which we are grateful.
Hi Jemima,
Your daddy emailed me a link to your film, which I watched. I think it's great. I am his friend from a long time ago - we were at college together, but I haven't been to Durham for a long time. I remember meeting you when you were only a few months old and Very Very Small. I hope I will meet you again some time soon. Your talking computer looks really good - I bet it will make a big difference being able to talk to more people. Now you just need to get everyone to learn Signing so they can talk back! I am an artist - you might like to have a look at my pictures on the internet at Give my love to your Mummy & Daddy & tell them I hope to see you all soon.
All the best
Wow Jemima, you're film is fabulous! (your cats are cute too).
I have only just found your page... linked to it via Matt's blog. You are a dark horse :)
I am working through the rest of your pages, but haven't yet found an email link. I have a lovely pic to send you; if you mail me i'll attach it for you.
I wouldn't mind picking your ethical brain too... (if you wouldn't mind)
Really REALLY good to see you online
love tamsin
ooops, sorry about wrong type of "your" up there! in my defense it was nearly bedtime. Ok, it's not much of an excuse.
A great film ! It was really good to see a bit of your life,Jemima,and see your Dynavox.
Hello Jemima
I watched your first film after I watched your film about Christmas - and learned a lot about your life in Durham. It was nice to meet you on the computer as I have never met you in real life! I live in Paris and am an old friend from when your mother used to live here in Paris. I agree with Martin that your computer looks very useful and efficient and you can speak brilliantly with it. Hope I meet you one day in Paris. Love Louisa
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