02 June 2007

June: a time of mists, but neither mellow nor fruitful

June has shambled in, cloud hanging heavily over disappointed trees, and the mournful lowing of the Sunderland fog horn audible through my office window. Plants in the greenhouse are getting tired of waiting for a long-absent sun to make a shamefully-belated appearance: tomato plants hunch themselves in the gloom, and the aubergine plants appear more aetiolated by the day. The okra seeds have steadfastly refused to germinate, along with radishes, beetroot and romanesco. Outside, cruel northerly winds have shredded the green beans which were attempting to scramble up bamboo poles. However, the potato plants, snugged up deeply in mulch, are looking good. I have little doubt about global warming, but at the risk of sounding complacent and flippant, we could do with a little bit more of the warming, please.


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