Weblog of Jemima Hughes, her mother, Janet, and her father, Peter. This offers snapshots of what has been happening for us, what we have been doing, and where we have been.
21 September 2013
More Outings
The Kent weather is lovely and warm and sunny, nicar than Durham. Then I want to go on outings. On Monday 2nd September I went to Deal, a seaside town with a huge beach and a pier it's a good walk for wheelchairs beside the beach. The pier is great for walking and looking at the sea. I went to the cafe at the end of the pier. I got chocolate milkshake, it was really chocolatey and Thick with cream and chocolate sprinkles on top, mmmm! On Wednesday 4th September I went on the bus to Canterbury with my mum. I used my new Kent bus pass. I went to the museum, I saw paintings about home. I liked little animated video with little airplanes in a house. I looked at bags but I didn't see anything because all the bags were a little bit small for all my things, I bought a good book about animation that was a good bargain. I had a chocolate and strawberries ice cream, it was really chocolatey and Delicious. I think the bus was good, I want to go to more places.
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What beautiful weather and a beautiful spot Jemima. Late summer days out have a special patina to them. Enjoy the longer summers and shorter winters in Kent.
Still in Co Durham
Hello Jemima,
I am enjoying reading all about your new home and your outings. I think you are right about the weather in Kent being warmer and sunnier than in Durham. I was at university in Durham with your mum and dad and I remember it was generally colder and wetter than where where we lived in Cambridge which is just a bit further north of where you are now.
But, did you know, it is also lighter for longer in the evenings the further north you go? We have just had a visitor from Spain called Jabi and he couldn't believe that when we were sitting out on the patio at 9.30pm in August it was still light! And when we were in Crete last week it was almost dark at 8pm. But that is a lot further south!
I hope you continue to have some fine days for your trips!
Love Beatrice
PS: I love your photos!
Thanks for your blog Jemima. It's great to hear your news and to know that you are settling into your new home. It 's not so great to hear that the weather is better in Kent as it has been raining here again.
Take care and keep blogging.
You sound as if you are having fun and getting to know the area, it looks beautiful. My daughter lives in Southampton and when I ring her she always says it is warm and the sun is shining so I think you are probably right about the South being warmer than the North.
I have just come back from my summer holiday. We went to Virginia in America and hired a big motorbike and toured a beautiful road called the Blue Ridge Parkway through the mountains. It was really pretty, we saw two black bears by the side of the road ( we didn't stop, they were a bit big!)deer, wild turkeys eagles and funny things called ground hogs that are like huge flat hamsters.We also spent a few days in Washington DC and saw the White House and the Capitol buildings and visited some great museums. My favourite was the Spy Museum that had all sorts of equipment that real spies use and also a lot of props from the James Bond films.
Keep having fun.
Wendy, Wheelchair Service North Durham
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